How is Jungle Doc Productions born?
Since 1998, Thierry Jamin has been surveying the Amazon rainforest of southern Peru in the footsteps of the legendary Inca city of Païtiti. Peruvians even speak of Eldorado! After many adventures in the heart of the Inca country, Thierry and his companions, having confirmed the permanent presence of the Incas in the Amazon, may arrive today at the gates of the miraculous city of Païtiti. Years of South American green hell expeditions filmed by top cameramen. Incredible encounters and exceptional discoveries. Hundreds of hours of filming and exclusive testimonials.

Jungle Doc, form datings…
Thierry understands very early that knowledge is made to be shared.
In 2003, he met Alain Bonnet, director of Prodiris Communication Agency based in Muret near Toulouse.
Thus begins an intense collaboration which will lead notably to the creation of Thierry Jamin‘s websites (The researchers of Gran Paititi, Los petroglifos de Pusharo, Machu Picchu and Alien Project).
… to the audiovisual production
The idea of Jungle Doc Productions was born in 2009 at the request of aficionados of research Thierry and passionate about human adventures, distant horizons, travel … but also fans of the famous TV series, always broadcast, ” The mysterious cities of Gold ” !
For this purpose was created by Thierry Jamin and Alain Bonnet the audiovisual production company Jungle Doc Productions, whose first project, through Incamazonia, is to produce a documentary retracing these years of research and exploration.